Communicate. After inquiring about a space, open a line of communication with your host. Confirm check-in time and key exchange (if necessary), and share any additional details or questions. Contact Poppir within 24 hours of arrival if you experience something unexpected.
Be Clear. When making your booking, be clear on how you intend to use the space.
Be Timely. Be respectful of the schedule agreed upon with your host. If your booking is for six hours, then the space needs to be empty and back in its original state at the end of the sixth hour.
Respect the Space. Leave the space as you found it. Be sure that anything moved by you and/or your team during set-up is back in its proper place after break-down. Carefully read and follow any rules set by your host, and treat the space as if it were your own.
Be neighborly. Be respectful of neighboring businesses and/or residences. Observe your surroundings and use best judgement when it comes to noise level, crowds, and other possible inconveniences to your neighbors.
Notify. Should any problems arise over the duration of your booking, immediately notify your host or Poppir. If problems concerning the physical space arise, contact your host. If problems concerning the booking arise, contact Poppir.
Review. The Poppir community relies on reviews, from both you and your host. Share your thoughts and insights on your booking and your host. Honest feedback improves the community.
Be transparent. Accurately represent your listing. Be upfront about pricing, amenities, and expectations.
Update your calendar. Keep your calendar up-to-date—it’ll save you and Brands precious time. Include blackout dates and any bookings made outside of Poppir. The calendar is in real-time so changes take effect immediately.
Respond. Promptly reply to messages and booking requests.
*Top hosts respond within 24 hours.
Check-in. Maintain communication with the Brand after booking confirmation. Coordinate check-in time and key exchange (if necessary) well in advance of the actual date.
Uphold reservations. A reservation is a commitment, as stated in your agreement. Consult Poppir’s terms and policies regarding emergency cancellations.
Address Concerns. If the Brand experiences anything unexpected, be accessible to help remedy the situation. If you experience any issues with the Brand or the space, reach out to Poppir. Poppir is here to help, and will offer mediation if needed.